Tuesday, April 1, 2014

New year, new surgery.

My super sexy belly after cholecystectomy, done 1/18/14.
Jealous, aren't you?
It's been awhile since I've blogged, and quite a bit has changed. I have no idea what date stamp will appear on this post as it's been sitting in the draft area for some time, but since it's April 1st, I figured I'd do some general updating.
Back in late December, I started having some pretty intense abdominal pain. As they say, hindsight is 20/20, and I'd had a few similar episodes that summer but chalked it up to gas. After nearly 3 weeks of constant pain, I sucked it up and made an appointment with my bariatric surgeon. I make it sound easy, but the reality is that I had friends and family alike pushing me into being seen. I'm not one to complain about pain. Honestly, I know my doc is a busy man with a huge patient caseload, so the idea of bothering him for something silly just didn't sit right with me. Mind you, he's never given me anything but quality care, or shown anything but compassion. It's just my own mental difficulties at play here I think.