Friday, December 20, 2013

Traditions for a new era.

Our holiday tree. I let go of my control issues, and let the kids decorate it entirely on their own this year.

Happy holidays!

This time of year, my thoughts seem to naturally turn to both the spiritual and traditional aspects of the holidays we celebrate in my home. For a very long time, I tried hard to be someone I'm not, and although it greatly impacted our daily existence, it took an even larger toll on how we observed nearly every holiday. Part of me regrets those 7 wasted years, yet another part acknowledges that it was time that shaped how I view the world so that's ok. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

"D" Words.

Depression. I don't like that word. Beyond the obvious one of a medical diagnosis, it holds poor emotional connotations for me. Regardless of how I feel about the word, I finally came to a place last month where I had to admit to myself that I'm struggling with depression. Ugh. Even just typing it out leaves a bad taste in my mouth.